Friday, December 7, 2007

"Music is organized sound."

I like this quote from French composer Edgard Victor Achille Charles Varese. It means that music can be found anywhere; composed by anyone or anything.

Take a closer look at the above picture. Haven't you heard music in the soughing sound of wind playing across a telephone wire, in the liquid sound of falling rain, the staccato sound of clicking high heels, the rhythm of fingers on a keyboard?

Next time you're in Croatia check out this rather odd instrument.

Here's another bizzare instrument. Try this for spicing up that next road trip in Japan!

And finally, when was the last time you really sat down, relaxed and reveled in the sound of the Aquaggaswack?

J.B. (a listener) sent me this link from the Wall Street Journal link about a new instrument called a "Thummer."

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