Friday, June 6, 2008


Today I took the ecological footprint test on the "Our Northwest" section of Northwest Public Radio's website. I selected my avatar (who looked stunning by the way!) and proceeded to take the test, fully confident that my composter, numerous recycling bins, energy efficient windows, washing machine, gas efficient car, and my car pooling would leave me with a smug, satisifed feeling. Take a bow Robin!

Much to my horror I found out that it would take 4.1 planets to sustain my life style! For about three hours I felt very discouraged. "What's the point?" I said. Then I spoke with a colleague who lives about a half a mile from work and walks every day. She rarely drives, is a vegetarian, lives in a house that is less than 600 square feet, recycles, etc; and still has a score of over 1 planet.

So I decided to take one of the other eco quizzes on "Our Northwest" and discovered that in spite of my horribly selfish lifestyle I am still considered an ecoally with a score of 55!

The moral of this ecological story? I will continue to do my best to conserve, be a wise consumer and encourage others to do the same in spite of the discouraging news story that a massive bill to deal with global climate change died today in the Senate.

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