Thursday, June 28, 2007

Amazing Animals!

A listener and friend in Yakima sent me this video and I just have to share it with you!

Can your pet say anything? Let me know!

This video is so beautiful it makes me cry. It's like a ballet between the man and the horse. They are truly partners in this dance. They make it look easy but I can tell you that a lot of time, patience and trust goes into this relationship.

This is a wonderful example of what can be accomplished through Natural Horsemanship.

This spring Washington State University hosted Dr. Robert Miller, a leader in the field of Horse Behavior and Natural Horsemanship.

Dr. Miller's visit was a benefit for the PATH program, a part of W.S.U.'s People Pet Partnership. PATH provides recreational horseback riding lessons for adults and children with various kinds of challenges. I am a Certified NARHA instructor for PATH and I find it very fulfilling.

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